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    Yaesu FTM-150RASP

    Yaesu FTM-150RASP
    Yaesu FT-2980R
    Yaesu FT-2980R
    Military Grade Drop-Tested MIL-STD-810G
    Yaesu FT-2980R
    Price: $399.95
    SKU: 19140
    Manufactured by: Yaesu
    Radio Includes:
    • SSM-85D DTMF Keypad Microphone
    • DC Power Cable w/Fuse
    • Mounting Bracket
    • Spare Fuse 25A
    • Necessary Hardware
    • 3 Year Manufacturers Warranty

    Items needed:
    antenna designed for your particular operating frequency plus mount and cable terminated with a PL-259 connector.

    55/50W FM Dual Band Mobile Transceiver With the New Evolving Super-DX and Audio Digital Signal Processor

    The FTM-150RASP provides true dual band operation with two different receivers on different bands or within the same band (V+V, U+U, V+U, U+V). Full Dot-Matrix display is graphically visible and provides a clear and crisp view of the radio operating status. Front panel is detachable, and by attaching the optional swing-head - SJMK-500, flexible angle adjustment is possible to accommodate easy mobile operation.

    The power output is 55W on VHF and 50W on UHF (55W / 50W, 25W, 5W is selectable). Heavy Duty Heat Sink with FACC (Funnel Air Convection Conductor) ensures stable and reliable transmit power.

    A front speaker is furnished inside the control-head. The front speaker, in combination with the main body speaker, provides a total of 6W high quality audio (3W: Front Speaker / 3W: Main Body Speaker). Volume level of the main body speaker is adjustable (0 – 100%) relative to the front panel speaker for users’ preference.

    The Super-DX function increases the receiver sensitivity and improves weak signal reception. The new ASP: Audio Digital Signal Processing Unit is also activated when the Super-DX key is pressed. The Super-DX with the ASP ensures reliable audio quality for weak signals and expands the communication range.

    Some other convenient features of the FT-3165RASP are: Up to 5 VFO or Memory Channel frequencies may be assigned to the PMG (Primary Memory Group). The reception status of the PMG channels is displayed in real time with a bar graph in the PMG screen. The AUTO or MANUAL mode is switchable by pressing and holding the Main VFO knob during PMG operation. The AUTO mode simultaneously shows up to two channels when signals are received. Transmit is automatically moved to the received channel. In the MANUAL mode, transmit and receive stays on the manually selected channel. The signal received on the other channel is shown on the screen and the audio can be heard.


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