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    Rohn FR45G

    Rohn FR45G
    Price: $540.95
    Manufactured by: Rohn Products, LLC
    Product Description
    ROHN's R-FR45G flat roof mount is designed to bolt directly to a water-tight and appropriately reinforced flat roof or other similar surface for guyed applications of the Rohn model 45G tower. The R-FR45G is not to be used as a self-supporting base plate. For self-supporting base plate please see the Rohn R-45GSSB.

    The R-FR45G base plate uses double-bolted joints for connecting directly to a standard Rohn 45G tower section that are proven to be the best method of joining tower sections for sturdiness and dependability. Roof-mounted tower designs may severely limit the potential height of your structure. Please consult your TESSCO technical service representative for additional information.

    Towers mounted on the R-FR45G flat roof mount must be guyed or bracketed at all times. Temporary steel guying may also be necessary during installation and dismantling.


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