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    Times Microwave ST-400C-2

    Times Microwave ST-400C-2Times Microwave ST-400C-2
    Price: $63.95
    SKU: 7322
    Manufactured by: Times Microwave Systems

    Times Microwave manual cable preparation tool is made for use with 3/8 inch LMR®-400 coaxial cable using two-piece EZ clamp-style connectors. This cable hand prep tool combines a cable stripper tool and a cable trimming tool into one easy- to-use device.

    This cable preparation tool works with LMR®-400 two-piece EZ clamp style connectors.

    Preparation Tools for 3/8" Superflexible Cable prepares cable for connector attachment. Manual and Automated tools help the installer prepare the cable for Connectorization. Replacement Blade Kits are available for selected tools.
    Prep tool for EZ-400-NMC-2 & EZ-400-NFC-2 two piece clamp style connectors
    Cable Type
    3/8" LMR®-400, TCOM-400
    Connector Type
    EZ-400-NMC-2) & EZ-400-NFC-2
    Replacement Blade
    Replacement Blade: Part# RB456
    Mfg. Warranty
    5 Years

    LMR® is a registered trademark of Times Microwave Systems


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