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    Commscope A7-SG

    Commscope A7-SGCommscope A7-SG
    Price: $11.95
    SKU: 7421
    Manufactured by: CommScope

    Saw Guide for AVA7-50 EZfit connectors.

    Preparation Tools for 1-5/8" Cable prepares cable for connector attachment. Manual and Automated tools help the installer prepare the cable for Connectorization.
    Saw Guide snaps onto corrugated cable to ensure striaght saw cuts. Each pack includes 10 guides.
    Cable Type
    1-5/8" AVA7-50, AVA7-50-32, AVA7RK-50, AVA7W-50
    Connector Type
    EZfit Connectors
    Mfg. Warranty
    1 Year


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