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    Paladin Tools CS90

    Paladin Tools CS90
    Price: $2,580.95
    Manufactured by: Paladin Tools
    Tempo Communications
    Product Description

    Tempo has been the “go-to” source for our advanced CableScout Coaxial Cable TDRs for many years. Used extensively by the CATV industry, CableScout TV90 previously set the standards that others have had to compete with. With CableScout CS90/TV90E we take those standards to a significantly higher level.

    CS90/TV90E is the “Every Technician” TDR: as cable companies and their contractors can now afford to equip their entire workforce with a modern coax CATV TDR designed for the DOCSIS3.1 era. By applying more affordable modern and future-proof technology we bring the capabilities of a 1 ns pulse and much higher bandwidth within reach of your whole team. We support this with a robust, ergonomic enclosure, internal lithium polymer battery pack with fast charging and monitoring, a high-resolution sunlight-readable color display and a simple intuitive user interface.

    CS90/TV90E gives the user the option to save screenshots or full-range trace files for later analysis or that can be shared with others. Including “FastFind™”at no additional charge., FastFind is a software feature that automatically scans to find the end of cable or largest event, saving several key presses as the technician gets to the truth of what’s happening on the cable in seconds.

    CS90/TV90E has multiple operating languages: English, French, German and Spanish at launch and we're working on several more. Software is now updatable in the field; copy the new software to the SD card, power up, select “update” and you’ll have the latest features in seconds. The SD card or a USB flash drive can additionally be used to “clone” cable types and settings between units, allowing deployment to the field force with just the right set of data they need and no other confusing cable types.

    Kit Contents:

    • CableScout Main Unit (CS90/TV90E)
    • Universal AC/DC adapter
    • Vehicle 12V power cord
    • F to F "barrel" adapters
    • SV-03 Test Port adapter*
    • F to BNC adapter*
    • F to alligator clips cord*
    • Quick start guide
    • Carry bag

    *These items only in the CS90/TV90E and not included in the CS90B. The CS90B is a basic kit that leaves out a couple of accessories only used in the CATV industry.


    CableScout CS90/TV90E units are packaged individually in corrugated card cartons in line with Tempo's policy to reduce and where possible, eliminate plastic packaging materials


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