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    Miller CS-30-W

    Miller CS-30-W
    Price: $123.95
    SKU: 11798
    Manufactured by: Miller
    Product Description
    The Ripley Miller CS-30-W Carbide Scribe has a 30° wedge tip that is 3.8mm wide. It features a handy "Squeeze and Pull" cap and rugged anodized aluminum casing. This fiber optic scribe is ideal for scoring fiber optic cable.

    Special Features

    • High-quality tool with a 3.8 mm wedgeshaped blade provides a durable scribing edge to ensure longevity for the "scratch & pull" technique of scribing optical fiber
    • Rugged, 8 mm diameter, anodized aluminum housing is easy to grip
    • Soft, brightly colored cap protects the blade & a convenient pocket clip provides portability


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