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    ICOM OPC136

    EM Wave EM-M11001-058EM Wave EM-M11001-058
    Price: $53.95
    SKU: 11682
    Manufactured by: ICOM
    Product Description

    ICOM Antenna Tuner Control Cables provide power and control information between compatible ICOM transceivers and the specified Automatic Antenna Tuner.

    Fits Radio Models
    IC-7000, IC-703, IC-703 Plus, IC-706, IC-706MKII, IC-706MKIIG, IC-707, IC-718, IC-7200, IC-725, IC-726, IC-728, IC-729, IC-736, IC-737, IC-738, IC-7400, IC-7410, IC-746, IC-746PRO, IC-756, IC-756PRO, IC-756PROII, IC-756PROIII, IC-7600, IC-761, IC-765, IC-775IC-775DSP, IC-9100


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