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    TeleWave ANT260K

    TeleWave ANT260KTeleWave ANT260K
    SKU: 8673
    Manufactured by: TeleWave inc
    Product Description
    75-3000 MHz Unity Gain Discone Antenna
    Wideband Discone Antenna  
    The Telewave ANT260K is an extremely rugged, wideband discone antenna for all frequencies between 75 MHz and 3 GHz. The wide vertical beamwidth of discone antennas allows clear communication for ground and ground-to-air applications. Low frequency response extends down to 75 MHz at 2:1 VSWR. Telewave discone antennas are designed to survive the most extreme conditions, where conventional antennas often fail. They are field-proven in US and overseas deployments and support many programs. Each discone is constructed from Mil. Spec. 6061-T6 solid aluminum, fully welded at all joints for maximum strength. All internal junctions are enclosed within a ruggedized radome to ensure survivability in the worst environments. The radome and Txylan coating on all metal surfaces ensures complete protection from corrosive gases, ultraviolet radiation, salt spray, acid rain and sand storms in desert environments. The ANT260K is designed to be clamped to a 1.5”-3.5” diameter galvanized steel support pipe. An ANTC482 dual clamp set is included. 
    Bandwidth >1.5 VSWR
    1.5:1 or less in band  
    Gain (dB)
    2.1 dBi
    General Frequency (MHz)
    Nominal Impedance (Ohms)
    Direct Termination
    N-Male on RG-393 feed cable  
    Maximum Power Input (Watts)
    Lightning Protection
    DC Ground  
    Overall Length
    53" H x 36" W
    Specific Frequency (MHz)
    Vertical Beamwidth (Deg)
    110 degrees
    Lateral Thrust @ RWV (lb)
    Rated Wind Velocity (RWV, MPH)
    200 / 150
    Weight (lb)
    Mount Hdw. Incl.
    ANTC482 dual clamp set is included  
    Wind Load (sq-ft)
     Mfg. Warranty
    5 Years


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