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The first 12" of coax is mini RG-188A/U type allowing easy entry into the vehicle through the weather seal without causing wind noise, water leaks or impedance mismatch due to the coax being crimped or damaged. The balance of the coax is low loss, .25inch outside diameter.
The PL-259 connector has a reverse threaded barrel. Turn the outer barrel clock-wise and it will thread off the connector body. The coax can then be routed through small holes or pushed through tight spaces without completely removing the connector. After routing the coax into place, screw the barrel back onto the PL-259 connector.
To shorten the over-all length of the coax: Remove the barrel as above and de-solder the center pin of the PL-259. The connector body then screws apart and the cable can be cut to the desired length. Re-assemble the connector.